Our Services
Interior & Exterior Painting
Providing interior and exterior painting ranges from walls, interior trim and ceilings to siding, roofs, shutters, gutters and exterior trim. Even interior and exterior doors.
Finish Work & Drywall Repairs
Ranges from minor holes in your walls to water damage and wall restoration. We also can replace drywall if needed!
Wood Restoration
Have rotting wood? We provide restoration for interior and exterior wood. *** We do not provide services due to termites.
Trim & Detail Work
We provide interior and exterior trim, as well as caulking, filling nail holes, even painting those small areas that you normally couldn't reach.
Staining & White Washing
This service includes staining any wood you need! Including porch decks! Want your chimney new and improved? Try white washing! This gives your fireplace a new and clean feel and look!
We provide so many more services that we just don't have room to list! Even TV mounting and color consultation! Call us today for your free consultation so we can evaluate your needs!